Sunday, March 06, 2011


Oh yeah, I have a blog! It wasn't until my dad mentioned I hadn't updated in awhile (or years) that I remembered this thing was still live. Hell, I had to even look up which email address was tied to this thing. Omazing.

There have been mild shifts in what my life looks like compared to last time I was here. I graduated in May and am now working as a graphic designer at a publishing company. Gettin' paid. I've been there around 6 months and aside from some little hiccups, it's been great. Did I mention I was getting paid? Being one of the chosen few to graduate during this new-hire loving economy, I consider being paid awesome!

Dangit, shiny things! I just realized the Daniel Tosh special has started and that takes precedent over me trying to sort out the last two years.

So hello again!