Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's heeeeere...

It’s official. Winter has arrived. This week it managed to snow. This means several things:

1) Entire days of listening to my dog growl at the foreign substance falling from the sky.
2) Fearing for my life when I get on the roads…not due to the snow but from the university student drivers who have never driven in said snow before.
3) The scantily clad mallrats have to dress warmer and finally put some damn clothes on.
4) A new circle of hell is going to be declared for evil holiday shoppers and the general rude population.
5) I can keep working on my non-tan.

Uh, hooray?

1 comment:

Rio Vista Boy said...

Well, at least in Cali I don't have to worry about the drippy, runny nose instantly freezing into little snotsicles as soon as I set foot outside, or the nasty phenomenon that occurs from breathing in that special snot smell when having to wear a scarf over nose and mouth to keep from freezing the face...
Mr. Cratchet let Scrooge work him such long hours because he didn't want to go outside!