Thursday, February 22, 2007

And the amnesia clears...

Oh yeah! I kinda forgot I had this thing...whoops. Shout out to my friend J-dizzle for the reminder.
Some of the things that have been going on...
School is rocking my face off. I've never been so damn busy in my life but I love it. There's really something to be said for doing what you want to do in life. Whether or not I get paid for it when I get out is yet to be seen but hey, I dont have to worry about that for a couple more years.
My social life is finally getting a jumpstart since moving back. I've been able to make friends in my classes and I've also been lucky to run into some old friends that are still in the area. I kinda felt like an imbecile seeing as they've been around this whole time. I just make a horrendous stalker, I guess. I might have to start taking night courses in Stalkerism.
Other than that, I'm looking at taking swimming lessons. I've never had the greatest of luck with swimming. I've had friends try and teach me in the past and about the best I can do is a backfloat. I'm hoping to get the fine art of treading water, dog paddling, and not breathing water under my belt. I figure they're all valid things to know how to do and its never too late to learn.
I've also ventured into the interesting world of Facebook. Its like myspace only more reputable, I guess. Maybe that means less pedophiles. Who knows. At any rate, its an amusing way to keep track of people and events.
Other than that, I'm just keeping busy trying to get enough sleep, enough to eat, and manage to get all my work done. I can remember when I took these classes before and I can understand why they kicked my immature butt.
...and lastly, a joke. A Magician was driving down the road. He turned into a driveway.


sue said...

You forgot to say a LAME joke.
What's this "facebook" stuff? Hmmm?

Unknown said...

I don't get it......
But I'm laughing my ass off....