Saturday, October 11, 2008


Seeing as Modo thinks I've fired everyone, I should probably update.

If you don't have anything nice to say...
I've felt like the only thing I want to write about have been rants and I'm tired of being a downer all the time. I don't want to change the name of my blog to Anger Management. I'm just sick of the usual suspects: poor customer service, rude people, instructors with no grasp on reality, and my roommate. There are a plethora of posts buried there but I'm trying to let go. I've got enough stress in my life right now.

An unintentional high school reunion...
I have to go to a wedding today that is going to be uncomfortable. It is a friend I've had since 2nd grade but we've drifted apart over the last decade and now the only time she calls me is when she wants something. She's also the type that stays friends with everyone so she's invited everyone we ever knew. I wasn't the popular kid in high school and neither was she. I'm not sure why she feels obligated to invite these people but I really had no intention of ever seeing them again. I wasn't going to go until Chipmunk told me I really should. I expect an onslaught of high school related nightmares for the next 6 months.

I'll just wear a sign...
Kinda tied into the whole wedding thing is strangers keep asking me if I'm single or not. Strangers and people I haven't seen in awhile. Why is it no one thinks it odd if a guy is single but if a woman is, it's some sort of tragedy. I'm probably being over sensitive but I'm just tired of it.

Tis the season...
I got a little gyped on my summer but I'm actually happy that it's turning Fall. I like the fall clothes, the fall food, and the fall colors. I'm naturally an autumn. Part of me even kinda likes the rainy cold days where the wet leaves stick to everything and you have to huddle inside your coat against the damp wind. The wind feels nice in my ears. I only hope that since summer was short that we'll have a longer autumn before winter sets in. Winter does not feel nice in my ears.

Surprisingly optimistic...
I watch the news every morning and for the last few weeks its been all gloom and doom about the economy. I'm totally being a Pollyanna but I think everything is going to be fine. If anything, it's making me reevaluate my spending habits and makes me want to be a more responsible spender. It probably helps curb any burgeoning alcoholism because all that beer isn't responsible spending. Yay economy!

So there you have it, Modo. I'm still alive. Still stressed out. Still trying to stay positive. For now.


Anonymous said...

I can certainly relate to you on all of these... except the single thing. Obviously, I'm not single. No one asks me if I'm single. I find that odd, since I rarely wear my ring anymore (hate to resize again... just need to lose the weight. grrr). It is like never being carded in a bar. Guess it is just written all over my face, huh?

I'm holding onto the whole pollyanna thing, too, although I read my tarot cards the other day regarding financials and it was really conflicted. Oh, well. Maybe I need more practice. :)

TRY to have fun at the wedding. Maybe it will surprise you and you'll meet someone and you won't be single anymore. J/K... don't hit me!

Jodi said...

1. I love autumn as well. A lot. October is my favorite month. Spring and Fall... I love them both.

2. I was 39 when I got married. Before Wil, I was extremely single. All the time. Never got really serious with anyone. So I know the pain and annoyance of the The Question. Embrace it. If they ask, and you are single, say "Yes! Thank God!" and really mean it. They will leave you alone after that. :)

T.J. said...

You don't want to rant? But that's what blogging's all about.

Some of my (im told) funniest blogs are my rants.

Nice to see you remember how to type.....


em said...

Thanks Jodi for the encouragement! It's nice to hear that being single is normal (from someone other than my mother). It's even better to hear that you enjoyed it while it lasted:)

Rio Vista Boy said...

Welcome back stranger! Still single? Sometimes it helps me to put my rants on paper, kinda like the chinese prayer ritual without the neolithic hanji bone script or the praying and sans ceremonious butning of the scrolls. But pretty much else right on the money. It has a sense of finality a feeling of closure to an annoying emotion that lets me move on. Making room for all thoe other little annoyances that crop up from moment to moment. Or you might try extreme contact sports or maybe buy a Harley, you have to be really focused to stay pissed off on a Harley...