Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quite the Celebration

I went to the wedding yesterday and it was as I thought. Stretches of awkward broken up by bits of godawful. Surprisingly, it was the people I used to be the closest to that were the hardest to be around. Noodles was busy being the bride. Chipmunk was a busy bridesmaid but still fit it into her schedule to be mean. I'd like to think it was because she had been drinking for 6 hours but my feelings were still hurt. I ran into a table of old friends and I swear that every single one of them were pregnant or had just had a kid within the last 3 months. I was shocked. They went around telling me what they had been up to and when they got to me, I had to tell them I was back in school. And single. And still living in the college town. Most of them looked at me with pity. I wanted to scream at how they all looked at me. I wanted to tell them how much effort it took for me to not look at them like that. I found few friendly faces in that table. My friend Holly, who although pregnant as well, was so sweet and supportive. The other was surprisingly an old friend's husband. I got the impression that he was a little overwhelmed at the table of moms and was just happy to have someone to drink with and not talk about diaper genies or swollen ankles.
I only stayed for a couple hours. I've always been touch and go about weddings, even before I got divorced. I usually don't mind the turns my life has taken or the lessons I've learned but these people I once considered my friends have a way of turning that upside down. They look at me in a way and say things that make me feel so little. I haven't really spent any time with them in the past few years and I can see now why. If a few hours can make me feel so miserable, I wonder what I would have been like if I'd have kept in touch. For all I know, I could still be in an empty marriage. Or could be pregnant. Just to avoid those looks. I'll keep my chaos over that hell.
Congratulations, Noodles...


Sizzle said...

I have a distinct feeling that you will end up being the MOST happy out of all of them. You listen to your gut. You follow your heart. You take the road less traveled.

Good for you.

Anonymous said...

I think all of my high school classmates have kids now too. That... does not make them better than those who don't.

Anonymous said...

What Sizzle said. Don't take crap off of those people. You are much better than that.

I'm not just saying that because I'm biased, either.

Unknown said...

I find it frustrating when people act like the life they lead is one that I desire -- I feel like I get it a lot by not having kids at age 34 (but I dont' want them). They were probably really envious of you and your "freedom" and had to mask it by behaving that way.

Rio Vista Boy said...

Chaos rocks!