Saturday, October 28, 2006

Blantant sarcasm is the sign of a good friend

Or so it would seem from the comment boards on my recent posts. Yes...I've been MIA. posts have been a little scraggly. Yes...I was abducted by aliens and just recently returned. Okay, maybe not the last one. I'll be the first to admit, when I scoot up to my laptop in the evenings, typically my blog is the last thing on my mind. I get sidetracked by my new toon on Warcraft and just get sucked thing you know, its 1 AM and I need to get to bed in order to be at work on time. So I'm gonna try something. I'm going to leave myself a little memo hidden in the wallpaper of my laptop. It will say, BLOG FIRST YOU IDIOT. Hopefully, this will curb some of the sarcasm from the peanut gallery...but who am I kidding.


sue said...


Rio Vista Boy said...

Sarcasm is like the peanut sauce on thai food, ya just gotta have it!