Tuesday, June 24, 2008

another's tragic hours

Last night a friend called my work, crying. She had just found out that her ex-husband and the father of her two kids had been in a motorcycle accident and was in critical condition 8 hours away. She, her daughter, and son in law made the trip down. They got there past midnight. This morning, my boss called to let me know that he had died. After driving that distance, the doctors sat them down, explained all the complications of his injuries and then told them he had died.

My friend's daughter is my age. She just recently had her second child. Although my friend and her ex were separated, they were doting grandparents. He had recently started dating again and my friend seemed fairly glad for him about it.

I don't know if it's just been this spring or if I'm getting older. It seems like this has been a spring full of tragedy, heartbreak, and complication. I have been fortunate to have seen my sister come through all her struggles and is once again herself. Those around me have not been so fortunate. I've tried to be optimistic that others will be just fine but so far, my hopes have been false ones. I really want things to get better for my friend. She's had so many struggles this year and I am almost in disbelief that yet another one is laid on her back. Each time I see her, she is more weary and worn out and I just want for her to enjoy her life. Things have to get better, they just have to. Right?


Sizzle said...

They usually do eventually...but sometimes it feels like it takes forever.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is hard just to put one foot in front of the other and get out of bed in the morning, but if we didn't have faith that it would get better... well, we'd just lay down and die.

Here's keeping good thoughts for your friend.

Unknown said...

It always seems to come in waves, doesn't it? I think we're meant to go through so much at once so that it makes it easier to get through less later on? Or, at least that's what I tell myself. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's loss and hope she gets through it okay.