Thursday, August 24, 2006

May I suggest a Gilette?

There's this guy where I'm working. I don't work with him directly but he stops in now and then. Today, he stopped in looking rather shaggy. I had a coworker comment on it and he promptly replied, "Well, Brad Pitt looks like this all the time". Sugar, you are not, nor will you ever be, Brad Pitt. Shave the pimpstache.



sue said...

Kinda like the guys who think they look good with beards... and don't. Not everyone can carry that look. Same way visa-versa. I've seen guys who look terrific with beards shave 'em. Not so good. I think they need a girlfriend/wife to advise them. :)

ramblesnpictures said...

That's why all the good ones seem to be taken ~none of them are any good until we get ahold of them and guide them on proper hygenic behaviour~ so we are stuck picking out a 6 and make him a That's the only way to get a good one!! ;)

Although it sounds like this guy was a 3, and then to be

Oh I am so mean!

em said...

lol, so you've seen this guy, huh? A royal 3...