One of the downsides to working/living indoors is that constant fluorescent "blah". I got to work with sleepy tunnel vision and by the time I'm leaving work, I'm alert but its typically dark out. This morning, while driving to class, I realized that the sunlight is changing. We are officially heading towards autumn (I say officially because nothing is official until I take notice). This realization brings two very distinct feelings to mind. 1) HOORAY, I love autumn and can't wait! and 2) Aw shit, winter is coming WAY too early. While its easy for me to wallow in the impending misery that is winter, I'm going to try and be an optimist and think only of autumn.
Here are just a couple of the things I truly love about the Season of Slow Leaf Death (think it will catch on? I'm emailing Martha...):
1) The leaves now blend in with my hair color, helping me hide in the wild.
2) I can drink hot coffee again without sweating.
3) People start burning things and it smells nice.
4) All the crazies congeal at the football stadium making the rest of the town nice and peaceful.
5) Being able to comfortably wear jeans again prevents people from gawking at my abnormally pale skin.
6) My dog takes it upon herself to wage war against falling leaves. They typically win. I laugh.
7) People start wearing long coats. The world looks classier in long coats. Just a thought.
8) Drizzly crappy days where you can sit in the coffee shop, read, and eavesdrop.
9) Those really bright windy days where you can just walk all day.
10) Soup, stew, and homemade bread.