Thursday, May 15, 2008

By the roots

I am a twirler. There. I said it. Spend more than 3 minutes with me and my left hand will wander up and start twirling hair like a gum-snapping airhead. It might be a tiny few strands. It might be all the hair on the left side of my head. But it will end up in a twist at some point.

I can't take it anymore.

It started out as a stress thing. Instead of chain smoking, I started twirling. Now it's all the time. I'm not sure how to stop. It's not like there's a patch for it. Nail biters get that nasty polish stuff. Short of hiring someone to slap my hand away everytime I absentmindedly reach up, I'm not sure what to do. I'm getting to the point I'm going to strap my left arm to my body and not let it out until my hair doesn't look so damaged.

You have any bad habits? Or advice?


sue said...

Nail-biting. Life-long habit. Yes, my mom tried the bad-tasting stuff. Didn't work. I just got so I liked the bad-tasting stuff. Go figure.

I've noticed the twirling getting worse, but didn't want to put you on the spot lest you twirl even more furiously. I'd be glad to call you on it when I see it, if you'd like. Short of cutting it all off, I can think of no good way to stop...and you know cutting it isn't really a good idea. ;)

...oh, and it IS better than chain smoking. Or crack.

Maybe someone else can come up with a good solution.

Sizzle said...

I bite my nails. It's unsightly.

Rio Vista Boy said...

I have no bad habits so I guess I am not qualified to offer advice on this one. I did bite my nails as a kid, my Mom used to put pepper juice on them to stop me, mmm good stuff. I just keep my nails trimmed short, and never started up chewing on my fingers...

Rio Vista Boy said...

Oh noooo! I just caught myself twirling my hair at the computer!!!
What have you done to me red haired woman???

Shafa said...

Hire me. I will swat the hand.

In all seriousness, start lotioning your hands.

It puts the lotion on the hands. Then, you will be conscious of what you are doing with your hands and not want to get lotion in your hair.

Unknown said...

No advice, that's my nervous/stress habit as well and I can't seem to stop. I don't even realize I'm doing it.