Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I wouldn't recommend it for a perfume, but...

Are there certain smells that remind you of good times? Ya know, baking cookies reminds you of the holidays...a certain cologne makes you think of a family member...the smell of decaying fish reminds you of summer. Yeah, that last one. Maybe its just me. This morning I took Bug for a walk at a local nature preserve and as we were rounding the lake I caught a whiff of that weird fishy, pond scummy smell. It hit me as that summer smell from my childhood when we would go visit my grandparents. They used to live on a lake and that smell would just hang in the air. I could remember climbing all over the slimy rocks, every once and awhile coming up on a rotting fish. Yeah, those were great times.

My other favorite it the smell of exhaust fumes. Yeah, I'm a farm girl. It always reminds me of when I was a kid and we waited for the schoolbus. My siblings and I would all be hangin out and my dad would leave in the pickup. As he'd drive by, we'd all get washed in exhaust. To this day, that smell reminds me of frosty, fall mornings.

I wish we could take scratch and sniff pictures.


sue said...

I'm surprised you all didn't pass out, if he was getting you 'gassed' that good! Geez!

They say, scent is the pathway to the memory...

Rio Vista Boy said...

I remember sitting up in the Cab of my dad's old Jimmy everytime I smell diesel. BTW/ this is michaelpipes, who knew apparently some time back I opened an account as Vin De Vine, lol

Amanda said...

LOL funny how our sense of smell can really bring back memories..