Wednesday, December 12, 2007

apparently I'm dumber when school's out

So I'm making my way through the pasta salad that came with my lunch. There's this funny taste to it that I just can' t pin down what it is. It's really kinda nasty though. It's a weird chemically taste. After a few minutes, I realize that I'm still eating this really nasty salad for no good reason than to figure out what the hell that disgusting taste is. I decide to skip the last three bites.

That was probably what botulism tastes like. I'll keep you posted.


Sizzle said...

oh dear! i hope it's not that. ;)

Rio Vista Boy said...

Botulism has little or no taste, but for possibly a tinny flavor from exposure to container metals. And all though it can reak of spoiled content, botulism itself can go undetected by smell or consumption in a can with a minute pinhole puncture.
But then with the sugar and sodium levels of perfectly fine cangoods, what's a little more risk?
My personal guess is soured milk product or a chemical exposure at the plant where it was manufactured. Of course it may only be one of the following;
Campylobacter, Clostridium, Giardiasis, Liseriosis, Norwalk virus infection, Salmonellosis,
Scombroid poisoning, Staphylococcal food poisoning, or even Trichinosis.
Happy dining!