Sunday, April 22, 2007

a Timeless SomethingOrOther

Every year, Iowa State decides to hold a little celebration they call Veisha. In years past, student riots and the occasional stabbing marred the history of this fine thing. Last year, I managed to miss it because I was moving back from Kansas City (its been a year, can you believe it?!). This year, I decided I was NOT going to pass it up. These are the highlights...

1) All you can eat pancake breakfast. Now with SAUSAGE. Be still my heart. Literally.

2) While waiting in line for said pancakes, some guy started laughing at my new aviator sunglasses and then asked me if I was " The Law". I'll admit, they're hilarious. I only bought them because they made me laugh. And yes, I am The Law.

3) Got my picture taken with a girl dressed in a Cherry costume. Her counterpart wears a sign that says how many of the famous Veisha cherry pies are left. They also had a fantastic routine where he would sing "This is why she's hot, this is why she's hot" while she interpretive danced around. They should get hired on automatically for next year.

4) The Parade. Words cannot describe how hokey, ridiculous, funny, and absurd a Veisha parade is. Where else will you see a Bullwinkle balloon, goose hunting float, and a marching 'band' that plays lawn chairs all at the same time?

5)I got recruited to paint faces of wee little childrens. Yes, I don't particularly like them but for some reason, I like them when they're in costume. I developed a puppydog face that became the staple of our band of merry facepainters. It was superdupercute. I couldn't stop giggling long enough to get a picture of one of them.

6) Fooooooood. It's like the state fair only not.

7) And lastly, the Sunburn. My arms and nose are a charming lobsteresque pink. No, I didn't wear sunscreen. Yes, I'm borderline stupid. Eh, it was the first major outing of the year, I'm allowed to be an idiot.

So endeth my break from schoolwork...back to the grind:(


sue said...

What? No pictures? WE WANT PICTURES!

Sizzle said...

parades are only good if they are hokey. now i really, really want pancakes.