Tuesday, November 06, 2007

An experimental month

I've decided that November is IT. The month where I'm going out on a limb and trying to implement some things that might further better my quality of life. After last month's exercise in cutting back sugar, I think I can do anything.

Things on the list:

- Even MORE vegetables: after the Wok Challenge a while back, I'm trying more of them. I'll take any suggestions you may have. I'm very sheltered when it comes to eating veggies. They scare me.

- Watching my budget: the previous trend of just doing what I want and hoping it all works out just doesn't work. I'm actually going to cut back this month and see what kind of impact it makes. It might/will definitely suck but this is a learning exercise. I can do it.

- Cutting back on TV: I think it's started to affect my quality of sleep and that ain't cool. Gonna have to start reading again before bed.

- I wanna be more flexible. I can't keep blaming the fact that I can't touch my toes on my height. Aside from a yoga class that will cost aforementioned strapped money, does anyone have any ideas?

I think that's it for now...Can't go changing the whole world, ya know.


Unknown said...

Part of the physical therapy for my knee is stretching the hell out of my thighs so that they're more active again. They've been having me do strethes for my hamstrings, butt and quads though I still can't touch my toes:) There might be some diagrams online.

As for veggies, one way that I like my green beans is that I'll cook them with one piece of bacon for the grease (or some olive oil since it's the good fat) and then I also put in balsamic vinegar, garlic salt and pepper. I also have broiled spinach and douse it with balsamic/garlic salt. I recently ate some brussel sprouts with bacon and salt. I know the bacon isn't the best thing but if you just use a bit for the flavor and still eat the veggies, it's a lot better than fries (easier said than done for me, though).

Anonymous said...

I see what this is... you're trying to make me look bad, aren't you?


Wish I'd done some of these things at your age. I'd be in a lot better shape now. ;)

Rio Vista Boy said...

Sit ups. The stomach and lower back is the center to all your other muscles. Sit ups every morning and every night will make an incredible difference.

Woky Veggies: broccolli, carrots, green beans, celery,onions, 'schrooms, snow peas, zuccinni (squash family), Bok Choy, any greens (mustard, collard, polk, spinach, etc) asparagus, Jicama, bell peppers, cabbage, cauliflower. Mix em up, enjoy. Vegetables are your friend.

sue said...

Soo...does this mean Tofu Turkey at Thanksgiving?

Shafa said...

1) Veggies are gross. With the exception of romaine lettuce, spinach leaves, corn and tomatoes.

And I swear to God and Sonny Jesus the next person who tells me tomatoes are a fruit is going to get hurt.

B) TV is the devil.

Third) The thing you said about the cat on my blog? Totally awesome. Why? Because of the response elicited from your mom.

Anonymous said...

Fresh & frozen veggies are your friends! Be adventuresome, include a lot of color & you'll be eating a variety of veggies! You will truly only be limited by your imagination!

Use the olive oil, skip the bacon, and keep cutting back on sugar. Real butter is good to use in moderation, too.