Wednesday, November 28, 2007

slowly but surely

Ever feel like you're way behind on things but you're just overwhelmed and don't know where to start so you'd rather just curl up in bed and hide under the covers and just sleep for a week and pretend like it will all go away?

I wish they made an IV version of coffee.


Sizzle said...

i wish coffee worked on me!

Anonymous said...

I've been feeling that way for about the last 6 weeks...

If you come up with a cure, let me know!

Rio Vista Boy said...

When you get like that take one thing at a time. Get it under control and go on to the next. Don't stress on the over all picture, it can be quite daunting.
At least for me.

brandy said...

Ahh yes. I know this feeling. I know this feeling well. I have about 26 things to do on my 'to-do list', but instead I'm going to run a bath and read fat, glossy fashion magazines.