Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Nevermind the bags under my eyes...


The last project has been turned in, the last final knocked out of the park, and all is right in the world. I was so excited to be done with my last test I practically skipped to the front. The instructor actually stopped me and asked if it were too easy since I only took about 5 minutes to finish it and was OVERJOYOUS. I smiled and shook my head no. It took every fiber of my being to keep my whooping to a minimum when I got out of the building. I only moderately startled another student. She was obviously not done or she would have understood.



brandy said...

Congratulations! Finishing for the term is such a great feeling. Well done!

Sizzle said...


Rio Vista Boy said...

Another semester bites the dust!

Anonymous said...

Another one down...and counting!

Unknown said...

Congratulations and enjoy your break:)