Friday, August 22, 2008

Guess which one of us is blonde

I came home the other night and my roommate was telling me how she had done a bunch of cleaning during the day. I was pretty proud of her, actually. She even had cleaned out the fridge and rearranged the freezer. I peeked inside and saw stacks of frozen vegetables neatly stacked, labeled, and dated. As I looked closer, I had to ask her something...

Me: "Uh, dude...did you put names on the vegetables?"

Her: "Yeah! I thought it would keep it easier since we buy a lot of the same things!"

Me: " Um, you realize we have the same first name, right?"

Her: " Yeah...why...oh duh."

She had written "Em" on all of her stuff.


Sizzle said...


T.J. said...

I got a good chuckle over that one....


sue said...

I'm still laughing at that one!

Unknown said...

Hahaha -- you can't make that up!

Rio Vista Boy said...

That's what I would have done if I were low on veggies.

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