Friday, March 23, 2007

End of the week Peeve Purge

1) I am a salesperson. If I just say "hi", don't look away and not speak to me. Not all salespeople are pushy. Don't be rude. Please just acknowledge my existence.

2) If you are in my lecture of 400 people and the professor tells us 14 times to turn our cellphones off...JUST DO WHAT THE WOMAN SAYS. To hear it ring after being warned is a hundred times more annoying.

3) I know it's warm out. I know you're excited. But don't wear shorts with your black tube socks and converse allstars. Especially when you're a 500 pound, 45 year old man.

4) I know it's warm out. I know you're excited. But don't wear your hooker skirt and tank top out in public if you're not working a corner. Especially when you're a 500 pound, 15 year old girl.

Now that I've cleansed my soul, I can enjoy my weekend:)

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