Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'll give you $5 if I don't drown

Ok, I'm a little anxious. Today is my first swimming lesson. Got the suit, the goggles, contemplating the arm floaties...I think I'm set. But still, my stomach has been twisting in little knots all day. I know I should be a grown up. This is something simple. This is easy. It's just swimming, for cryin out loud. I've dealt with far worse things in my life.

I wonder if you can hyperventilate while swimming...

Update: Managed to not die. Had pretty good time. Planning on going back.


sue said...

I forgot to tell you... hold your breath. :)

No, really. You are a combination of your ma and pa... he HATES water, she (I) LOVE it. Go figure. So, maybe now you've had 25 years of his genes, you can have a little more influence from mine?

DH said...

Congrats on managing not to die! ALWAYS a good strategy in every venture. :)