Sunday, April 15, 2007

Remembering where I come from

Lately, I haven't been quite myself. I've been stressed and angry and very focused on minutae. Tonight, while managing some posts, I decided to go back and read the ones from my previous blog, NotDorothy. These were from when I was married and living in Kansas City. I have them stashed away should I ever feel the need to do what I did tonight. Reading through them was so good for me. It was good to see that I have a sense of humor that isn't cutting and cynical all the time. It was good to see that I found humor in the day to day things that happened at work and at home. It was really good to see that I am still the same person, even though I live somewhere different, doing something different, with different people. I'm proud to know that I'm making progress in having a real life. I'm proud that I still talk to the man I was married to and we still laugh on a weekly basis. For all the change that has happened since that blog, it's so good to know that much of me has stayed the same. I really miss the people in Kansas City. I miss the ones I considered family. I miss having an apartment. I miss having days off. I know that someday, I'll regain some of these things. So maybe NotDorothy and Mellow aren't as different as I thought they were. Maybe they're chapters of the same book, after all.


sue said...

Only you had those doubts... the rest of us know this. At the core? You're still the same wonderful woman you've always been. Just a little stressed at the moment, and still in transition. Some day ("at some point?") it will all just be... Mellow... without the Chaos. Honest.

Oh, and I respect you so much for the way you and the ex have handled yourselves. Only wish he wasn't scared of the ex-in-laws. We still love him, too.

Miss Bliss said...

Wow...sounds like grace while in transition. That ain't easy and it should be acknowledged...good work.

Sizzle said...

it seems like you've got a really good handle on life given all the changes you've been through. i keep my old handwritten journals and they tend to give me perspective.