Sunday, May 13, 2007


I've procrastinated long enough. Today is the day to clean. But I need to explain myself first.

I am a slob.

I blame it on my artistic side. I prefer to live surrounded by chaos so as I'm surveying all that needs to be done, I'm looking at a total flippin' mess. There are piles of clothing that need to be washed. A pile of shoes that could stand to be put in the closet. Piles and stacks and towers of artwork and pieces of artwork that need to be put away in some order. And art supplies? Don't even ask. You will find them everywhere.

Long ago, I had a roommate. After living with me for a month, she informed me that I'm a college guy trapped in a woman's body. Disaster doesn't really bother me. It was one of the reasons I decided that I would live by myself when I got my apartment. I keep thinking that I'm going to be better with my beautiful loft apartment. It's so lovely that my disaster area mentality might not complement it too well. I'm not holding my breath though...


Anonymous said...

Some things never change. This is something I've just accepted about you. I hope when or if you marry again, you marry someone who loves to clean. Or is rich. :)

Shafa said...

Neatness is overrated.