Wednesday, February 20, 2008

noting that the blinders are on too tight

The other day at the gym, I worked out on the elliptical thingy for about 40 minutes and then went and lifted weights. I had brought along Chipmunk but we parted ways in the locker room. After working out, she walked up to me on one of the machines. When I asked her where she'd been the whole time she looked at me like I was crazy. She had been on the machines right next to me pretty much the whole time. I chalked it up to being 'in the zone'.
Tonight at dinner, the same thing happened. I was eating with friends and after dinner, I got up to get my coat and someone yelled my name. I looked at the table next to us and it was some old friends that had been waving and trying to get my attention at dinner the whole time. Apparently, a couple of the friends I was eating with even noticed but they just thought they were waving at someone else.
Now, I'll admit, I don't like being in large groups of people or crowds and usually as a coping mechanism I just tune everything out. But I usually don't when I'm in a managable setting, I'm usually people watching. My only explanation is the full moon. And maybe the batman mask I've been wearing. Yeah, lets stick with the full moon.


Sizzle said...

that's some serious focus, girl.

Rio Vista Boy said...

A cautionary word about the side effects of too much latex, batgirl...

Or is it time to toss the old wolfsbane and pick a fresh batch?

There's no hope left once the spidey sense is gone, better tune up your tingle.

sue said...

Hell, you've done that to ME and I'm your MOTHER... (you are NOT to ignore your mother!)

I'll agree... the full moon sucks.