Tuesday, May 15, 2007


To whom it may concern:

Upon my winning the lottery I shall expect 3 things.
1) Chocolate chip cookies shall be baked fresh every morning.
2) A fleet of sports cars will be purchased in my name.
3) The giant spiders that hide in my closet and SCARE THE LIVING BEJESUS OUT OF ME will be hunted mercilessly by a highly trained spider assassin with a turbo Dyson and a machete.


Anonymous said...

oooo awesome!!


Anonymous said...

You win? I will GLADLY bake the cookies (if you share your winnings, of course)...

the spiders? You're on your own.

Rio Vista Boy said...

Is that as in dyson turbo vac or as in the Freeman Dyson sphere? I've got an old machete collecting dust somewhere, but a dysin sphere may be a bit expensive even for a lottery winner.