Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A movie review

Last night, Chipmunk and I went to see American Gangster at the local dollar theater (it used to only cost a dollar to see older movies, but then they upped it to $1.50...but that's too much to say...so it's still the dollar theater as far as I'm concerned).

Overall, I thought it was pretty good. It got a little long at some points but I went into it expecting it. I will also admit that I may have had random outbursts at some points ("holy shit" and "No way" being a couple of the select phrases)in response to some of the gore (not as graphic as I had expected, though). It was pretty crazy to think it was based on real events. For those of you who have seen it, did anyone else think it weird that Russell Crowe's character spent all that time trying to catch him and then ended up defending him? Granted, he ended up catching all those dirty cops but still...it just seemed a little weird to me.

My only complaint had nothing to do with the movie. The theater was freezing. Not your typical freezing, this was see-your-breath cold. It made the 2.5 hours a little excruciating at the end. I guess when you're paying a dollar, that's what you get.


Sizzle said...

i went to see Juno in a regular priced theater a few weeks ago and it was cold in there too. i think it's a ploy to get us to buy expensive hot beverages from the concession stand!

brandy said...

I liked the movie too. There is one part that totally shocked me (after Denzel 'does it' he goes and finishes eating his breakfast), but overall I really enjoyed it. As for the theatre being cold- I always find that so annoying!

sue said...

What? He defends him? Oh, THANKS... go a ruin it for me. *sigh*

j/k - I'll probably never see it.

(I'm ALWAYS cold in the theater - either they have the a.c. cranked up too high or they turn off the heat. Never am comfortable.)

Thatgirl7278 said...

Theater temperature makes a BIG difference. I totally empathize.

And yeah, those theaters will always be "the dollar theater" to me too. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, I always have to layer one more piece more than what I'd probably wear at home -- I'm always cold at the theatres.

I liked the movie as well and I agree that it was a little long at some points and probably could've been a really great two hour movie. And yeah, I also thought it was weird that he wound up defending him. They probably should've explored that a little more, if they hadn't spent so much time on the chase.