Saturday, January 12, 2008

Romantic comedies are the devil's amusement

Okay, maybe they aren't that bad. They just irritate me, I guess. You sit enthralled with someone else's perfect relationship for an hour and a half and after you leave it takes a good three hours to re-convince yourself that life isn't like that. Okay, maybe for .000004 percent of the population it is but they probably have hair that doesn't frizz in humidity or a sensitivity to dryer sheets. Am I the only one who has a problem with them? I go in thinking they'll be a cheerful and light alternative to something dramatic and it ends up turning me into a headcase for the rest of the evening. I spent the majority of last night picking apart every relationship I've ever had until Family Guy was able to distract me. I suppose I'm just overly sensitive, I realized last night that I'm currently the only one of my social circle not dating or in a relationship. Which wouldn't be that bad except every time I want to do something, they're already entangled for the evening. I know I'm not the first to have to deal with this. I know that eventually things will change. I know that I typically don't mind being alone. But damnitalltohell those stupid movies make me question my contentment. I might need to give my input to the writer's strike negotiations...


Sizzle said...

those movies, while the romantic in me adores them, are trouble. because most of the time they aren't showing a REAL relationship with all it's challenges and even when they do it ends all lovely with the music swelling.

shit. i am in a relationship and i'm bothered now!


Rio Vista Boy said...

Oh come on, it's fantasy, we like fantasy don't we? After walking away from Alien vs Preditor, I am not thinking that wasn't real why did I even bother (ok, I may have walked away thinking why did I bother, but not because I expected realism...)
It is all about the fantasy, the dream, letting your imagination run free and clothing optional for awhile.

Anonymous said...

How many times do I have to tell you, "it's JUST PRETEND"... geez... I thought I was going to get to stop saying that when you kids got older. Guess not, huh?