Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Slowly murdering braincells...

That Millionaire Matchmaker show on Bravo is making me question the sanity of all West Coasters. Or maybe just the rich ones and the gold-diggers that are trying to snag them.

and yet I'm still watching...bastards.


Sizzle said...

it's not all west coasters!


Rio Vista Boy said...

Not me!!! and what happened to your camera project???

sue said...

I've been sucked into that show, too... it's like a train-wreck. You just can't help but watch. *sigh*

Rio Vista Boy said...

I feel that way about Hell's Kitchen. The trainwreck part, I find myself forgetting it is the new millenium proffessional 'wrestling'.

I used to get the same way with Roller Derby as a young man, cause that of course was 'real' back when Ralphie Valladeres was King!

DH said...
