Monday, October 08, 2007

It doesn't feel like Monday

1) I'm functioning (barely). Got to sleep around 4:30 this morning. Surprising because I was dead tired and aspired to go to bed around 9. It just didn't happen. My stupid brain wouldn't shut off. Ended up putzing around until I finally went back to bed at 4. Didn't conk out until a half hour later. Slept through my first class. Sigh.

2) I'm cosmically behind on one of my projects. Cosmically. Add to that my instructor has been gone so I'm not getting any feedback and it makes for a doomsday-esque final review. Unless mercy is granted, it's due next week.

3) After the fun country bar part of the weekend, things went downhill. Without going into the ugly details, it's apparent that no nice guy should ever seriously ask me out. Ever. I'm too mean.

4) Got to have lunch with a couple old friends. Life doesn't seem to be kind to anyone these days. I've decided that my life could be a lot worse. My friends are tough, though, and both of them should pull through just fine.

5) Since boss was out of town, I had to work with an idiot today. This idiot reeks of dirty ashtray, talks incessantly about nothing, and likes to hover over what you're doing. Perhaps its my lack of sleep that is making me so sensitive to his 'charm' but I want to kill him and throw his body in a pig pen. Boss returns tomorrow, thank god.

I would give a kidney for a week of vacation at this point.


Sizzle said...

you're mean? how. i need proof cuz i don't believe it. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can be a little bit mean... (Sizz, I heard the story).
Still and all, a guy better have a pretty damn good sense of humor to keep up with you...and a brain. Else he's toast anyway.

Sorry about the sleep, the class, the idiot, the friends' troubles.

Glad boss man is coming back. Here's hoping you got some sleep last night... {{{hugs}}}

Rio Vista Boy said...

I can envision a mean streak or two in you em, come on you are still human and mortal, right?