Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yet another rant about school

I'm insanely behind on a project that's due next week. What makes it frustrating is my instructor is always gone. Talking to an instructor from anther class, this guy is slated to be gone 22 days this semester because he's trying to get tenure. What that means for me is that every time I show up for class, I get reviewed by a different substitute who has a different concept for the final project. I rework the designs for the next class and then get a different set of things to change from a different person. The guy who comes and goes is the one who is going to grade it and I have yet to get a decent critique from him. This class is a requirement and it irritates me to no end that a) I'm paying for this inconsistent teaching and b) if I get below a certain grade for this class, I won't be able to graduate within my program. I've started to really hate this class. I don't feel like I'm learning anything from it and it pisses me off that this is money out of my pocket.

Makes me wanna eat a danish and go on a sugar-induced rampage.


Rio Vista Boy said...

Does this professor have a TA you can consult?

Avoiding classroom duties seems a bizarre way for your Instructor to gain tenure, but that's just me.

sue said...

That is what we're here for... to listen. Not much else we can do, I'm afraid to say. Sounds like a crappy situation for sure. Does your professor get email? Could this be something to be brought to his/her attention? I think you have a valid argument, for sure.

Just say 'no' to the sugar. Trust me, you'll feel better in the long run.