Monday, October 15, 2007

If wishes were Prius's, beggars would, uh...hum?

I've been thinking about my gas guzzling behemoth lately as well as all the talk on saving the environment. I'm not the most eco-friendly of people...any effort I make is typically done out of the desire to save money over the world. But this issue of cars has me thinking. I wouldn't mind driving a hybrid. Really, I wouldn't. They're a little odd but I think I could get over it. I just don't understand why they're so expensive. Just because I'm a poor college student doesn't mean I should be restricted from saving the planet. They really should just start giving them away. Call it a global effort at eco-responsibility.

Okay, you got me. I really just want a car that sucks less gas. And is free. Definitely free.


Anonymous said...

Heh. Good luck with that...

Rio Vista Boy said...

I would drive a hybrid, if it were cost effective and I could keep my truck.

Rio Vista Boy said...

Ok I might even trade my truck for this: