Friday, September 14, 2007

auditory paranoia

One of my biggest pet peeves of ALL TIME is when my classmates' cell phones start ringing during class. Or during movies. Or during anytime. Something about a ringing cell phone reminds me of an alarm clock (perhaps the fact that I use mine as one) so the sound raises my hackles instantly. In order to curb my personal desire to chuck my cell phone out the nearest window, I have had mine set on vibrate for awhile (it still rings audibly when I get up at the buttcrack of dawn). Now, in theory, having a cell phone on vibrate makes sense. Or it would if you didn't have super sensitive freaky good hearing, like myself. Typically, I can hear the little bugger buzzing across the room (with the exception of when my mother is calling, selective hearing I guess. jk, ma). Now, I've noticed that I'm tuned into every little buzzing thing wherever I go. Your tv have a lowtone buzz? I'm going to try and answer it. The space heater in your office making a humming noise? Maybe its someone calling. It's beginning to drive me a little bonkers. I need to find a cell phone that alternates quiet little noises but none of them sound like an alarm clock. Cell phone manufacturers, I'm talking to you.


Anonymous said...

Yeah...j/k my ass... ;)

Rio Vista Boy said...

Ok, I read about this little implant thingy that goes just under the skin on the backside of your earlobe. when your phone receives an incoming signal, it then interprets the source and sends an appropriate response signal to your ear which then gentley pulses various patterns depending on the call source, you can even set it to caller I.D. to recognize special numbers (like Mom's)or to diferentiate text msgs from live phone calls, memo's, reminders, etc...

Oh wait I read that in Poplar Science the Siviculture magazine in my weird dream last night.

Sorry about that.

Try wearing large fuzzy ear muffs and an aluminumn foil hat, it seems to work in Canada.

Shafa said...

Oh God, I thought I was the only one who can hear the buzzes. While this makes me a) happy that I'm not crazy, it also makes me b) sad that you hear them too. They are annoying.

Seriously. I can hear my neighbor's TV. Not what's being said, but just the buzz.

It is driving me nuts.