Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Impending doom

So I'm still sick.
I have a project due tomorrow. Haven't started yet cuz I've been sick.
I have 2 drawings due tomorrow. Haven't started yet cuz I've been sick.
I have an Exam on Friday. Haven't studied...guess why.
I have a paper due on Friday. It's a short one, but yeah. Haven't started.
I have a BIG project due on Monday. I'm behind on it.
I have a Quiz next Tuesday. Haven't studied.

The perfectionist in me is hyperventilating.
The ill person in me wants to sleep til the disease is gone.
The me that lies somewhere in between keeps chanting "c's get degrees".

So begins the Season of Stress...


Anonymous said...

Okay. This explains why you didn't answer my text. Sorry the magic of Heroes and Chinese didn't fix it all. It'll be okay. You'll get better and you'll make it all up and it will be fine. Breathe. Um...I mean.... try to breathe. Love you. Call if I can do anything.

Rio Vista Boy said...

Just breathe