Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So I've been tagged by Modo to give my middle name and then for each letter give something that's relevant to my life. Seems simple enough...

E - Eager to learn new things.

L - Lazy. I don't really play sports or do much that's active.

A - Anal-retentive about my work. I can't help it, I'm neurotic.

I - Innocent. hehe.

N - Not always honest.

E - Entertaining. Sometimes I like being the center of attention.

So there you have it. I'm going to resist tagging people because, uh, I'm just not. See "L" above.


Anonymous said...

Yeah. I didn't believe "I" either. ;)

Rio Vista Boy said...

Now now, I am certain Em is innocent of something...
at least some stuff that can't be proven.