Monday, September 17, 2007

Boxed sets are my friend

I've lately become more addicted to the boxed set DVDs of tv shows. It started last year when Ma and I went through the first two seasons of Lost. I still haven't actually watched an episode on tv, so don't ruin it for me.
Last week while I was sick, I watched the entire season of Heroes. Love love LOVED it. Can't wait for it to come back although I'm curious where they're going to go with it.
And yesterday, while working on an art project, I spent the entire day engrossed in Firefly and then Serenity. I really enjoyed it, although I can see how it would be hard to carry the storyline much further.
Now, I'm in a bit of withdrawl. I like the idea of not having to wait a week until I get the updated episode. Its like watching a 12 hour movie. It's great! But now I don't know what to watch...


Rio Vista Boy said...

I have to agree with you about box sets. Prerecording was my first step, but the commercial world found a way to mess that up by spamming reruns until the newer episodes are self deleted from my hard drive. The next logical progression is to just purchase the entire series. I don't have patience for commercials, or those annoying delayed episodes caused by 'special' programing or someone decides to skip an episode for expedience or I miss a week and feel like I have lost track of the plot.
I think boxed sets culd be my friend too.
Oh and with a little imagination I think Serenity could have long outlived it's welcome given half a chance. That series had potential and cast charisma. I miss it. Don't tell your mom but i liked Serenity more than the Dresden series. (Not to discount the books)

Anonymous said...

I heard that, Vin. You know, I actually agree with you - Serenity rocks! I did like the Dresden books, tho'.

yeah... when does the new Heroes start? Or the next Lost box set come out? I'm so excited for the new seasons!

Don't forget TC is on Wednesday. ;)

Rio Vista Boy said...

Oh, Wednesdays. I look into it. I have not watched TC yet

Shafa said...

A) Heroes = awesome
B) Firefly = awesome
C) LOST = awesome
D) Help me come up with new ways to tease your mom, pretty please?

Sizzle said...

I miss LOST. Why must it wait so long to return!? aaaack!

sue said...

Hey, Shafa... pffftttt.....

sue said...

Whoo hoo! Dexter's coming back NEXT WEEK!!!!!

Rio Vista Boy said...

Oh, Showtime. I don't have that.

Unknown said...

I have Sex and the City on DVD and those are always fun to pull out every few months and start over. Ted and I are now watching Arrested Development on DVD b/c he didn't catch it when it was on a few years ago. I love the show, but it's a bit quirky.