Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Okay, so Full Day Number Two of the Reduced Sugar Effort 2007. My head hurts. I'm not sure if it's stress from an insanely hectic workload or if it's the withdrawl. Anyone who has cut back, your opinions please. I'm sure in the end it will be worth it but I'm craving hardcore but managed to choke down an entire Diet Pepsi, gagging only 3 times.
Add on top of the headaches some super fantastic dreams and a strange emotional flashback I may describe in a couple days and its been a fun week!
Tonight I'm cooking scallops in honor of the Top Chef Finale.
Consider yourself updated.


Rio Vista Boy said...

Yum scallops! I had lobster last week for no apparent reason. And Roast beef hash for breakfast by mistake. I was never much of a sugar freak to begin with, possibley because of the vast wuantities of cola's I consumed. But I recall switching to diet soda was difficult. And don;t forget by switching you are trading unhealthy levels of sugar for unhealthy levels of salt. The real stuff that is good for you tastes like crap. At least that is how i have learned to differentiate.

Sizzle said...

i'm telling you- eat a potato before you go to bed. seriously. it helped me beat sugar! i know it sounds weird but wth it's worth a try, right? the first week is the worst. actually the third day is the absolute worst.

Fantastagirl said...

If by day 3 you have the shakes, listen to sizzle's advice and eat the potato... it helps - this coming from a gal who drank a 12 pk of dt. coke a day and is down to 3... talk about headaches...

Anonymous said...

Did you lessen the caffiene intake, too, by any chance? Could be withdrawl... yes, you know I'm speaking from experience.

Shafa said...

It's withdrawal.

*puts on science helmet*

Also, Sizz is correct. A potato contains complex carbohydrates and your body will be so occupied with digesting them that it won't be able to bother you with its need for simple carbohydrates (e.g. sugar).