Friday, September 07, 2007


That about sums it up. Even though this week was a day shorter, it kicked my ass. I'm just worn out. Yesterday I caught myself at work daydreaming about getting a massage and then reality kicked in and I realized I have no time for it. This weekend, I'm aspiring to get alot of things done, even with working my butt off I have catching up to do for my projects. I think its just hitting me how much work these classes are. I kinda forgot over the summer.

Thank god for coffee.

and pizza.


Rio Vista Boy said...

I have nothing that doesn't sound like platitudes from a bitter and old man.
"At least you have the stamina of youth on your side."
"Things could be worse."
"Welcome to the grownup world."
"That which doesn't kill us..."
"There are still a few starving children in Thailand that don't have jobs."
"Isn't that statue showing just a little too much shoulder?"
"Thank God for coffee, pizza AND weary little girls.Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts."

em said...

Modo, you perpetually crack me up...

and I have that statues outfit in pink.

Anonymous said...

At least you're eating. ;)